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Handling Anaphylactic Reactions: Emergency Protocol

Emergency Contact Numbers

UK Emergency Numbers:

  • 999 or 112: Dial immediately for suspected anaphylactic reactions.

International Use:

If outside the UK, 112 connects to local emergency services in Europe.

Contacting Emergency Services

Provide Crucial Information:

  • Indicate that it's an anaphylactic reaction for faster response.
  • Provide details about the affected person, including age, gender, and location.

Locating Your Position

Landline Assistance:

Emergency services can trace landline calls easily; check nearby locations for address details.

Mobile Location:

If calling from a mobile, estimate your location, as services can triangulate your signal.

Communication with Emergency Services

Information Exchange:

EMS will guide you and answer questions. Report anaphylactic drug administration.

Handing Over Medication:

Provide paramedics with details of the drugs administered, including type and dosage.

Workplace Preparedness

Identify First Aiders:

In a workplace, know who the designated first aiders are and activate them alongside EMS.

Workplace Policies:

Follow workplace emergency plans and policies regarding anaphylaxis-prone individuals.

Monitoring While Awaiting EMS

Be Alert:

Watch for signs like loss of consciousness, increased breathing difficulties, respiratory arrest, or cardiac arrest.

Unconscious Victim:

If unconscious, place in the recovery position. Start CPR if they stop breathing.