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Some patients carry two auto injectors, whilst others do not. So why would two need to be carried? The key reasons are if a second dose is needed, one fails to inject, or an injector is broken. We are going to now look at this in more detail. It is down to the specialist or Doctor to decide on how many auto injectors are needed and therefore prescribed. In a consultation they will look at the test results and individual circumstances to determine what the best treatment plan is. In most cases, when a patient is prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector, only one is needed. Training is also given so that the unit is looked after and used correctly.

Auto injectors are very effective and device failure is exceedingly uncommon. It is vital that all patients know to seek professional help if they have to use their auto injector so that medical help can arrive and deliver a second dose. The UK resuscitation council guidelines state examples for when a second or further device may be prescribed in a number of cases. These include: When there is a history of requiring multiple adrenaline doses, individuals who have limited access to emergency help such as those living in remote areas, secondary school children may need a device at home, a device to carry themselves, and a further device for the school to hold, and also obese individuals may need more than one device.

If prescribers need further advice, they should consult their local allergy specialist service.